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A Letter From Our President: Dedicated Senior Shopping Hours
Good morning, Nugget Markets guests,
I would like to share with you a few new policy changes and store updates as we navigate through the implications of COVID-19. First, I would like to thank everyone for your patience and kind words to our team. During these trying times, a little kindness goes a long way!
I am happy to announce our new Dedicated Senior Shopping Hours. Going forward, every Tuesday and Thursday morning from store opening until 8 a.m. will be temporarily designated as shopping time specifically for our guests who are 65+ and those who are at-risk due to health conditions. I ask that all of our other guests please be mindful of those in need and reserve this time for our senior citizens and other at-risk members of our community. I thank everyone in advance for their help and understanding.
I would also like to ask our guests to be mindful of social distancing—whenever possible, please keep approximately 6 feet away from other guests. Social distancing will play a huge role in curtailing the spread of COVID-19. Please do your part and help keep others safe. Remember, we are all in this together!
Even with our new Dedicated Senior Shopping Hours, the best way to keep our seniors and at-risk neighbors safe is to help them out! Offering to run to the grocery store for them, to make them a meal or to go for a walk with them (keeping 6 feet apart!) are just a few suggestions. It is my hope that as an outcome of this whole situation, kindness and compassion come shining through, and the world actually becomes a kinder place.
Keeping fingers crossed,
Eric Stille
Nugget Market, Inc.