Cuddle Packs
These bright, pajama–soft corduroy backpacks are perfect for little ones to tote their classroom essentials.
These bright, pajama–soft corduroy backpacks are perfect for little ones to tote their classroom essentials.
I have to say I am a fan of bourbons, especially Buffalo Trace, served with a single ice cube. The only downside to adding ice to a fine glass of bourbon is that normal cubed ice tends to melt quickly and dilute the bourbon’s flavor. But at last I’ve found a solution to this problem: Tovolo Sphere Ice Molds, which create ice “cubes” in a perfect, spherical shape.
Scandinavian Delights Fruit Spreads have been made using the same time–honored, traditional recipe for more than 170 years. Slow cooked without boiling, using ripe fruit and fresh berries, the spreads retain the natural flavors, colors and sweetness of the ingredients.
Choosing bulk organic seeds, whole grains, and dried fruit and beans offers a wealth of Mother Nature’s goodness.
The first time I tasted Creminelli Salami, it was love at first bite! I mean, what’s not to love? All–natural ingredients; humanely raised, vegetarian–fed animals; and time–tested, authentic Italian recipes, some of which are rumored to date back to the 1600s.
The local crop of asparagus tends to peak in April, and we’re proud to source locally grown, organic asparagus fromDurst Farmsin Yolo County. This fourth–generation farm is located in an area of California called Hungry Hollow, at the mouth of the Capay Valley. The unique microclimate and soil there provide the perfect environment for growing delicious–tasting asparagus.
If you think these tamales taste as authentic as the ones sold from little street–corner carts, you’d be right: Texas Tamales started as a home business, sold first from the owners’ own kitchen, then from a street cart, and now they’re available in our stores! We carry five delicious varieties:
Ready to make some jam or jelly? We suggest using Pomona’s Universal Pectin, a 100 percent citrus pectin with no added sugar or preservatives that jells reliably with low amounts of any sweetener.
Vinaigrettes made by Lucini Italia are prepared in small batches using 100 percent natural ingredients. They have wonderfully blended, full–body taste profiles, and they’re incredibly versatile. Use them to dress greens, to add a punch to a sandwich or to marinate meat and poultry.
Ever wonder what it would be like to make your own cheese? Well you’re in luck: with just a gallon of milk and the Roaring Brook Dairy Mozzarella Kit, you’ll have everything you need to get started!