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Dietary Supplements
Health Notes by Dr. Liz
Looking for an edge? Sharper thinking? That extra workout umph? Why not try a dietary supplement (that’s safe, of course) to up your game? The world of dietary supplements can be perplexing and overwhelming at the same time, though, with some 10,000-plus products on the market. Here are a few that rise to the top as potentially beneficial for your health and performance.
Looking for an edge? Sharper thinking? That extra workout umph? Why not try a dietary supplement (that’s safe, of course) to up your game? The world of dietary supplements can be perplexing and overwhelming at the same time, though, with some 10,000-plus products on the market. Here are a few that rise to the top as potentially beneficial for your health and performance. (As always, check with a health professional if there are medical reasons you shouldn't take a specific dietary supplement, especially if you're pregnant or breastfeeding.)
Creatine: Made by your body and found in animal-based protein foods such as beef and chicken, creatine plays a central role in high-intensity exercise such as weightlifting and ultimately muscle strength and growth. Studies show performance, strength and muscle size are all improved with daily creatine supplements of 2–5 grams. Some research also supports the idea that creatine supplementation may improve memory in folks over 60. Vegetarians (non-meat eaters) may benefit the most since muscle stores of creatine are low due to diet.
From Our Healthy Living Dept.: ZHOU Creatine Chews and Sun Warrior Creatine Powder
Beta Alanine: A naturally occurring compound, beta alanine may boost high-intensity performance like sprinting and fast dance moves by improving your muscles’ ability to buffer acid that is normally produced during this type of exercise. While dosage is debatable, a few grams to several may be needed daily to effectively boost high effort exercise. Older athletes also benefit from alanine supplements over several weeks.
From Our Healthy Living Dept.: Amazing Muscle Beta Alanine Powder Choline
BCAAs: Known as Branched Chain Amino Acids (specifically valine, leucine and isoleucine), BCAAs are found in muscles and play specific roles during exercise. Studies show that BCAAs are oxidized for fuel during exercise and their presence also promotes muscle protein production and muscle recovery post-exercise. Eating proteins such as whey, chicken and beef all rich in BCAAs or taking BCAA supplements have been shown to boost muscles' protein-building and repair, and ultimately improve performance.
From Our Healthy Living Dept.: MRM Nutrition Reload BCAA+G
Choline: Choline is a nutrient critical for all ages in brain health and memory. Our bodies make choline, but this typically falls off as we age, and pregnant women must take an outside choline source. While food supplies choline, you’ll need to routinely eat eggs, meat and soybeans. Bottom line—studies show that choline supplements boost brain health and memory, support brain development and may enhance performance by improving muscle control.
From Our Healthy Living Dept.: Nature’s Way Choline Tablets
Nugget Note: If you want to make your powdered supplements and protein more portable (or keep things quiet for the sleepyheads in your household), shake things up with premium, BPA-free BlenderBottles! Drop by our General Merchandise Department to find different sizes and colors to suit your style, plus options with attachable storage jars to hold your vitamins or supplements.
Selection may vary by store.