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Anatomy of a Healthy Lunch
Health Notes by Dr. Liz
Your midday meal should fuel your busy day, not leave you falling flat by mid-afternoon. A well-constructed lunch supplies your body with a variety of much-needed nutrients. Here’s a rundown on lunch basics based on what your body needs.
Your midday meal should fuel your busy day, not leave you falling flat by mid-afternoon. A well-constructed lunch supplies your body with much-needed nutrients, such as muscle-maintaining protein, healthy fats and energizing carbs, along with fiber for digestive tract health and key vitamins, minerals and antioxidants for optimal health.
Here’s a rundown on lunch basics based on what your body needs:
Protein: Your body needs protein at every meal to support immune system strength, muscle repair and more. Aim for 15–30 grams of lean protein at lunch from sources such as lean meats, eggs, seafood, beans, soy and low-fat, non-fat or fermented (kefir or yogurt) dairy.
Quality Carbs: Daytime typically marks your most active time of the day, meaning it's important to fuel your brain and muscles with quality carbs such as whole grains (multigrain rice, sprouted grain breads and whole grain pastas), potatoes and winter squashes. These quality carbs also provide fiber and an array of essential nutrients. Aim for 1–2 servings (½ cup or 1 slice each) depending upon your calorie needs.
Fruit: Each piece or serving of fresh fruit supplies crucial nutrients such as vitamins C and B along with potassium and other minerals for healthy circulation. Aim for 1 serving at lunch.
Veggies: Fresh or steamed veggies supply fiber, vitamins, minerals and a host of antioxidants for good health. Aim for at least 1 serving (½ cup cooked or 1 cup raw) for lunch.
Healthy Fats: Olive oil, avocado and avocado oil along with all types of nuts provide heart-healthy fats. Seafood also supplies essential fats called omega-3s, which are vital for brain function and healthy memory. Include these types of fats at lunch when selecting dressings or other meal add-ons.
Need some inspiration to jazz up your midday meal? Check out these four Healthy Lunchbox Menus designed with these guidelines in mind!
Article originally published in January of 2017 and updated in November of 2024.