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How to Trail Mix
Health Notes by Dr. Liz
There’s a lot more to trail mix than just plain GORP (Good Ol’ Raisins and Peanuts)! Blaze a new trail with a wide variety of healthy, tasty and convenient options from our Bulk section. From dried fruit and nuts to a bit of chocolaty goodness, build your next batch with some of these winning ingredients. The possibilities are endless!
There’s a lot more to trail mix than just plain GORP (Good Ol’ Raisins and Peanuts)! Blaze a new trail with a wide variety of healthy, tasty and convenient options from our bulk section. From dried fruit and nuts to a bit of chocolaty goodness, build your next batch with some of these winning ingredients. The possibilities are endless!
Sunflower Seeds: Out of the shell, these popular seeds supply a good dose of both copper and selenium, two trace minerals that play an integral role in muscle antioxidant protection systems. Sunflower seeds also pack a punch with vitamin E, another powerful antioxidant.
Pumpkin Seeds: Like other seeds and nuts, pepitas (a.k.a. pumpkin seeds) come loaded with good-for-you minerals like copper, zinc, iron and magnesium, a vital mineral that works with carbohydrates in your muscles as you work out.
Tart Cherries: If tough hikes and the like are your style, tart cherries make a great addition to trail mix. Thanks to a hefty dose of antioxidants, these dried gems have been shown to lessen inflammation caused by muscle damage following tough runs or other exertion.
Dried Turkish Apricots: These bright orange beauties contain a good dose of carotenes, orange pigments in plants that protect muscle cells, and more. They also supply about 30 grams of energizing carbohydrates per 1½-ounce serving, the perfect amount for fueling during a long workout.
Dark Chocolate Almonds: As well as being delicious, dark chocolate supplies a flavonoid that may help improve heart health and have other health benefits. Add in almonds, which supply a wealth of vitamin E, heart-healthy fats and other compounds that protect against age-related diseases, and you’ve got a winner!
Carob Chips: A caffeine-free chocolate alternative, carob is another example of a good-for-you plant product rich in polyphenols. Studies have shown that eating carob can help lower blood cholesterol. Like chocolate though, carob chips contain extra sugar, so use in smaller proportion to nuts and dried fruits.
Article originally published in July of 2016 and updated in November of 2024.